Saturday, 26 November 2016

Evolution of our band logo

Today we completed our band logo which Laura started by drawing a falcon in Paint. When it came to the colouring Laura suggested that we added oranges and reds as it fits into the theme of fire, which ones again reflects our bands name.

Here is the complete drawing Laura did:

Then Elsie had the idea to make it look more like a logo with a red background circle shape behind it with a yellow outline.

Here is the development of it:

Finally, we had to think of the typography on the logo. I did some research and sent some ideas of what we could use. Here were some options that I thought would look good with the falcon drawing:

Font choice 1

Font choice 2

Font choice 3

Font choice 4

We all decided that we liked font choice 2 the best. Therefore, Elsie tried to find a font most like it and she chose Kristen ITC. However, then we had to decide on its placement.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

We came to an agreement that we like it inside the main red circle at the bottom. Here is our final logo:

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Developing are merchandise

As mentioned previously, we changed our band name from 'Firelight Foxes' to 'Firelight Falcons'. So, as we have changed our name, we decided that we needed to get going with some new merchandise ideas for our website. Today, we came up with 2 rough draft t-shirt designs that we will later develop and make more professional if we stick with that idea. Here are the 2 t-shirts (They both will be made available in black and white).

Click on the images to make them larger:


We nominated Laura to do a quick sketch as she is the best and the creative side of a project, she took some inspiration off some images found online of different types of easy to draw Falcons. We also decided that this might come in handy later on with more merch ideas etc.
Here is a brief look at the sketch she did:

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

A change in our band name

Today we realised that someone out of our class has already used a fox as their band logo as well was within their band name. 
Therefore, as we want to be more original, Laura, Elsie, and I have decided to come up with a new name. However, we are still going to keep 'Firelight' within our name. For our new band name, we have decided to use the name 'Firelight Falcons', instead of 'Firelight Foxes' to make sure that we are different to the other group using a fox as their logo/name.
Therefore, we will also start to develop a logo, some merchandise, and other things for our new band name.

We have already found some inspiration for our logo, as well as some of our merchandise (we found these on Google images):

Here is a bit of inspiration for what sort of thing we might like to use for our band logo. We like how it is simple, yet effective, and also relates to our bands name.

Here are a couple images that we found which we think would look good on a bracelet, which can be something that we sell on our website. The shape of the falcon on these images will also be a good fit horizontally on a bracelet.

We will now be working on maybe sketching some things up from what has inspired us, and we'll also keep updating and developing our ideas.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Finding a band name and thinking about merchandise

Elsie, Laura, and I have been thinking about a band name (as we have decided not to use McFly to make it more of our own) and we settled on the name 'Lightfire Foxes'. We chose this as we believe that it represents the band's genre well and also believe that we could use an intertextual reference to a fox maybe in our final music video (making it more personal to the band that we are creating, as well as their style). As at points in our music video, settings will be more gloomy and dark, therefore, we decided that it would be a good idea to maybe include a fox here).

As I said, we have also been trying to gather some ideas for some merchandise that our band would sell (That we can add onto our website). We also tried to make these so as they would fit with our band's name and the overall concept. 
These are the colours which we have decided to sell the wristbands in:
We decided no to make the colour range to vast as then some colours may not be liked by some audience members. However, we decided we really wanted/needed to add the oranges and the red as it fits in with the idea of the fox.

Here's a look at 3 of the ideas we have so far for our wristbands. As these are rough drafts, they shall later be made to look more professional and more variations should be released (along with other pieces of merchandise).

Monday, 14 November 2016

Production company/Record Company logo

My group and I thought that it would be a good idea to make a production company/record label logo to help make up our overall package. 
We decided to go with the name 'LET Studios', firstly because it's the letters of our first names (Laura, Elsie, Tammy), and because we generally liked how the word 'Let' sounded in the title (it makes us sound productive). 
So here is what we came up with. To make this logo we used

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Band website analysis

One requirement of our course is to create a band website so that we can show how we would present ourselves to the public. Therefore I have done an analysis of an already existing band website so that we could get some inspiration. I chose to analyse McBusted's website because they are very much like the band McFly, in which we are making a music video for, for one of their songs.  

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

One page pitch video

Here is the clip from the filming of our one page pitch for our music video ideas.